Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1 year check up

I took Westen in yesterday for his one year check up. He was sick last week and had a fever of 102.5 for a couple of days. After his fever broke, he broke out in a bad rash. We found out that it was Roseola :( Poor Westen. He lost some weight. At his doctors appointment he was still 20 pounds and is now 31 inches long. His ears and throat were clear...


Mindy said...

Spencer had roseola when he was that age too. Sad.

Brooks Family ♥ said...

Bristyn got Rosella too! It was so sad.. Our Dr. told us that someone that kissed her when (we think it was Bruce) had it when they were a baby.. and I guess after it heals it goes into saliva glands.. so it passed on to her when he kissed her.. Weird I know.. haha At least it isn't painful for them :)