Sunday, February 22, 2009

Car trouble and more car trouble

So this past Saturday i left my tournament around 9pm. I was with the other volleyball coach, Haylee Thompson, who was driving her BMW.  Anyways, we just left the school in Buckeye and were on the highway when her car started making a funny noise. I told Haylee it sounded like her tire was flat, so she pulled off the side of the road and sure enough... it was shredded!
It was so funny cuz Drew had just taught me the week before how to change a tire, so we get all the stuff out and started to change it and then the jack was being lame. A guy pulled over to see if we needed help and we were so grateful. Then Halyee whispered to me and told me that she smelled alcohol. Haha the guy started talking to us and he was waisted. He was slurring all of his words, Scary!!! He finally left and we get in the car and it won't start! It had a dead battery because the hazzard lights were on for so long. Grr, so we had to wait for someone else to stop. Now to make a long story short, i got home at like 12:30 in the morning! I'm just grateful that no one was hurt and we were able to make it back safely!

1 comment:

Stefany Pew said...

Wow! Sounds like a crazy and scary adventure! I'm glad you two made it home safe. And for the record....I requested your team to be at the Barney complex this past weekend but I only got one of the teams I requested. Bummer! I will get your team at the complex one of these days! How did your team do?